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LETTERS FROM OUR VIEWERS of this web site.
Here's where we have published your comments concerning the television program concept that we call, "The War Games League."
This is just a sampling and we are no longer publishing additional letters.  We will, however, read your e-mails.  We still like hearing from you.
We like hearing from potential war game fans, potential participants and TV producers and cable networks, etc.  We like hearing from all of you and we will continue to respond.
Please send your e-mail communications to:
We look forward to hearing from you.

Dear War Games League,
   Found your site by accident.  I never thought I would stumble into such a great idea.  It could be very exciting, like a major sports event, only better.
   I don't know if you will ever get the Hollywood TV people to move on something like this.  Not enough blood and guts spilling out all over the place and no sexy women being violated.
   It would be a great feature for a cable channel that appeals to those who like real strategy and tactics with their adventure --- a thinking man's recreation.  Let's hope you can get it on.  I'll be in your audience.
Martin Boardham
Chicago  (Jan. 27, 2006)
To the War Games League ---
   I was in the military and many of my friends still are.  We all have a serious interest in this new program, which we hope will be on the air one of these days.
   It looks as though you are planning it with a high degree of authentic action, like we do in the military with some of our more interesting war games.  (We use realistic equipment, paint-ball weapons and other things, like you plan to do.)
   If the TV networks or the cable channels miss out on this one, they really will have blown it.  There are a lot of us out here who will become loyal viewers (and participants, if possible).  We'll be watching.
--- George C. Ammond
Denver (Feb. 3, 2006)
War Games League -
   I am an avid, adult paintball player.  I (and my friends) take every opportunity to play various available scenarios wherever and whenever we can.
   We are interested in your TV project and would like to see if we could qualify to be a part of a playing team when it gets under way.  There are a lot of us who will travel anywhere for something like this.  And there are thousands more that will fill up your audience.
   Please keep us in mind.
Richard Roberts
Santa Ana, Calif. (Feb. 12, 2006)
Dear War Games League,
   You seem to be organizing things very well.  I've got a feeling this is going to be a very different and very interesting show.  (Or, should I call it a sports event?)
   The stuff I see now are either historic reenactments, war film footage, or simple paint-ball games.  This thing of yours looks like it's way ahead of all of that.
   I hope you'll be putting more information on this web site, as things move along.  It will be fun to watch this show develop.
A. Alexander
Galveston (March 3, 2006)
Dear Jonathan West (War Games League),
   I'm another one who wants to play in your war games when you get it on television.  I've played the other games everywhere and I'll go anywhere, anytime for something like what you're putting together.
   There are more of us out there than you know.  We're ready to go.
Toledo, Ohio (March 20, 2006)
War Games League ---
   When do you think you might be getting this great show into production?  A bunch of us have been watching and waiting.  We'd like to see it on the air and some would like to get involved on teams.
   When's it starting?  The sooner, the better.
Bob Adverlly
Clearwater, FL  (April 9, 2006)
War Games League ---
   Greatest idea since sliced bread.  Haven't seen anything in any of the paintball magazines.  They should be really interested in all of this.
   I'll keep looking.  Hope they'll do a feature with more details one of these days.
--- Tim Mahan
Oak Park, Ilinois  (April 24, 2006)
To the War Games -
  I, and most of my friends, are history buffs.  We are also very much interested in the history of warfare.  This also includes a strong interest in the strategy and tactics of warfare.
   We follow the History Channel for most of this kind of programming and we wonder what the chances might be for getting a production like yours on the History Channel.  This would be a great place for what you have to offer.
   Any chance of this?
Thurston Dolby
Rochester, NY  (May 14, 2006)
Dear War Games League,
   Around here we don't watch the boob tube that much any more.  But if you ever get this program of yours on the air, we'll be there.  It seems like something that would be fascinating to watch.
   This is the sort of thing we need --- some really original ideas.
-- Carl Stepinoski
Spokane, Washington  (May 26, 2006)
To The League --
   This looks a lot like one of the war games I participated in, while in the military.  Actually, it looks even better and it seems to set things up so the audience can really get a grasp on what's happening.
   This would make a great training exercise for today's military.  There's a lot that could be learned from something like this.  It sure will be a lot of fun for the viewers, too.
   I wish I had a high enough rank to have a little juice that could be applied to get this thing started soon.  I'll bet the Army and the Marines would advertise on an event of this kind.  This could be really big.
"Korea Joe"
Clarksburg, W. Virginia  (July 10, 2006)
Dear Jonathan West,
   It sure takes a long time to get going but we're still waiting out here for you.  We haven't given up.  It's a great idea who's time has come.  I really believe that.
   Make it happen.
Bran Cartland
Beaumont, Texas  (July 26, 2006)
Dear Friends,
   Lots of mail has been received but not many that want to be posted here.  So, thanks for your e-mails and such, even when you want to send it privately.  For the rest of you, if you want your communication posted, you'll need to tell me so.
   Also, you may have noticed that the TV world is not beating a path to our door.  Frankly, without laugh tracks, or sex, or bloody violence, or other irrelevant approaches, this concept will be a hard sell, no matter how many of you would like to see such a presentation.
   It's meaningful in the context of today's world, where defense and security issues are of paramount importance, but only the potential audience seems to realize that, not the out-of-touch executives of today's television industry.
   We will continue to search for the exception to that rule.
Most sincerely,
Jonathan West
Dear Sir,
   We care about what you are trying to put together and we are large in number.  We only wish the producers and networks really understood about our interest.
   Whatever, don't give up.
-- Mark Toulkin
Mesa, Arizona  (Oct. 20, 2006)
   It doesn't matter what you do, the junk they stuff down our throats will continue.  Thank God there's the Internet and other things to do.
   If your show ever gets on, I'll be back.
-- Dax
Kansas City  (Feb. 12, 2007)
To The War Games League --
   I'm retired from the business (TV).  I know what you're up against.  I've seen a lot of fantastic ideas go down the toilet because the suits who run this business have no imagination.  And then everybody complains how bad TV is.  Of course it is.  What do they expect.  Garbage in, garbage out.  I wish you all the luck in the world.  You're gonna need it.
-- Name withheld by request.
San Bernardino, CA  (April 17, 2007)
Dear Mr. West,
   I can imagine all kinds of special things you could do with a show like this.  There's no end of the possibilities.
   Have you thought of contacting the History Channel?  That audience would love what you want to do and lots of others would flock there to see it.  This could be very big.
   I don't want to be pushy about it.  It's just a suggestion.  Hope you consider it.  It would fit in there just fine.
-- Tom Scott
Lakeside, Florida  (June 8, 2007)
Dear Sirs,
   If you get it started I'd like to be considered for a tryout.  I am an avid paintball fan and have a military background.  I also have a little money and can pay my own way.  Please put me on your list.
Alvin W. Shepler
Elkhart, Indiana  (July 12, 2007)
Mr. Jonathan West,
   Just wanted you to know that women are also interested in what you are doing with this War Games League.  Many of us are into heavy sports activities and are big fans of competitive games.
   Some of us will travel just about anywhere to watch an exciting game in person.  Being there is the ultimate HD.  Let me know when you get things going and have a schedule.
-- Ann Corey
Lakewood, Ohio  (Sept. 4, 2007)
To the War Games League Offices --
   I don't see a listing for your show.  I guess it's either under a sports heading or it's not set up yet.
   Drop me a line when I can see it here in the Ontario area of Canada.  And let me know if you even plan to play a game here in my country.  We come out for things like this.
   Keep high and dry.
Sincerely yours,
Robert Thurston
Toronto, Ontario - Canada  (Nov. 23,2007)
Dear Jonathan West,
   I travel around the country and a week or so ago I heard an interview with you on the radio.  I don't remember where it was exactly, but I jotted down your web site and took a look at it.
   It's an interesting web site and you certainly have done a lot of work to get it this far.  I hope you will get the help of others and take it the rest of the way.  It will really be something different for TV, which is getting very boring.
E. B. Meir
Cambridge, Mass.  (Dec. 4, 2007)
Dear Mr. West,
   I'm a gal who plays paintball and I'm ready to roll with this great idea of yours.  Just tell me when and where and I'll be a part of it.  Keep my number handy.
-- Sylvia Coffer
Tulsa, Oklahoma  (Jan. 10, 2008)
To the League,
   I'm wondering if some of us started telling the Fox Channel, The History Channel and some of the others, maybe they'd take a look at what's going on in your site and get really interested.
   You could develop a huge fan base.  You've developed something important.
-- T. Estes
Plainview, Texas  (Feb. 28, 2008)

We get lots of e-mails.  Would you like yours published here?